diff --git a/main.tf b/main.tf
index c95d2c2cd8f849093eb79e9e6b66e942429db731..21760130e82136f94f06d75c606fd97c290b302f 100644
--- a/main.tf
+++ b/main.tf
@@ -127,23 +127,16 @@ resource "null_resource" "ops" {
     private_key = file(var.ssh_private_key)
-  # moves CRI_XCBC file into directory made above
-  provisioner "file" {
-    source      = "CRI_XCBC"
-    destination = "/"
-  }
+  #
+  # explore feature for simply cluster provisioning
+  # Ignore all provisioners for non-ohpc cluster
+  #
-  # compute node
+  # provisioners run on cluster master(node) node
   provisioner "remote-exec" {
     inline = [
       for node, net in module.nodes.network:
-    "ansible-playbook -c local -i /CRI_XCBC/hosts -l `hostname -s` -e \"{'compute_nodes':[{'name':'${node}', 'ip':'${net[0].fixed_ip_v4}', 'mac':'${net[0].mac}', 'vnfs':'', 'sockets':'1', 'corespersocket':'1'}]}\" /CRI_XCBC/site-ops.yaml -b -v"]
+    "echo DEBUG: empty provisioner action: ${node}"]
-  # ood node
-  provisioner "remote-exec" {
-    inline = [
-      for net in module.create-ood-instance.network:
-    "ansible-playbook -c local -i /CRI_XCBC/hosts -l `hostname -s` -e \"{'compute_nodes':[{'name':'${var.ood_instance_name}', 'ip':'${net.fixed_ip_v4}', 'mac':'${net.mac}', 'vnfs':'', 'sockets':'1', 'corespersocket':'1'}]}\" /CRI_XCBC/site-ops.yaml -b -v"]
-  }
diff --git a/nodes/main.tf b/nodes/main.tf
index dfeeeadd5fa32df3107c5e63258e0833506de556..8a54e8c3977c03beb551a65f35cdff9b7d3581a1 100644
--- a/nodes/main.tf
+++ b/nodes/main.tf
@@ -27,10 +27,7 @@ resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "compute" {
   user_data =  <<-EOF
-     - [ bash, -xc, 'ethernet=$(cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address); nodename=$(hostname -s); sed -e "s/MY_HWADDR/$ethernet/" -e "s/MY_NODENAME/$nodename/" -i /warewulf/config;' ]
-     - [ bash, -xc, "echo $(date) ': hello world!'; until WWGETFILES_INTERVAL=0 bash -x /warewulf/bin/wwgetfiles; do echo waiting ; rm -f /tmp/.wwgetfile.lock ; sleep 10; done;" ]
-     - [ bash, -xc, "systemctl restart munge" ]
-     - [ bash, -xc, "systemctl restart slurmd" ]
+     - [ bash, -xc, 'echo DEBUG: empty user_data var: add post instantiation steps here' ]
 # defines the networks of the instance
diff --git a/ood-instance/main.tf b/ood-instance/main.tf
index a6a4419dd94634936cb51b31187cb4349bf6656f..5ff7e1397f1dfd59dac7ec581ea3cdb703a15b65 100644
--- a/ood-instance/main.tf
+++ b/ood-instance/main.tf
@@ -31,10 +31,7 @@ resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "ood" {
   user_data =  <<-EOF
-     - [ bash, -xc, 'ethernet=$(cat /sys/class/net/eth1/address); nodename=$(hostname -s); sed -e "s/MY_HWADDR/$ethernet/" -e "s/MY_NODENAME/$nodename/" -i /warewulf/config;' ]
-     - [ bash, -xc, "until WWGETFILES_INTERVAL=0 bash -x /warewulf/bin/wwgetfiles; do echo waiting ; rm -f /tmp/.wwgetfile.lock ; sleep 10; done;" ]
-     - [ bash, -xc, "systemctl restart munge" ]
-     - [ bash, -xc, "cd /CRI_XCBC; ansible-playbook -c local -i /CRI_XCBC/hosts -l `hostname -s` /CRI_XCBC/ood-ops.yaml -b -v" ]
+     - [ bash, -xc, 'echo DEBUG: empty user_data var: add post instantiation steps here' ]