Refactor the ansible codebase [CRI_XCBC](
When we started writing Ansible, we were just learning. Over time, we have added many features via our Ansible roles.
We are at a point where we need to clean up the Ansible repo and add some structure to our Ansible roles.
The outcome of this project should be a structured repo with good naming practices.
We need to look into best practices for ansible and adopt them to our repo. This can't be done in a day, it should be carefully refactored over a few weeks.
Action items:
- Revisit the naming for variables and roles.
- Decide on linting rules for Ansible.
- Add linting and fix the formatting as suggested by the linting rules.
- How to handle vars group_vars vs host_vars?
- How do we handle vars for test vs production?
- Reduce the interactive app roles to a single role where we can pass the appnames and their attributes to the role because they all follow the same tasks. eg: ood_ansys, ood_igv, ood_jupyter
- Rename _cloud roles to something more appropriate ??