diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 76626d19787f337bab4f833de80e15f490d7cb0d..938283ddcb18b6fd814ec3d9be341359bdc0dfc1 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -275,7 +275,6 @@ test_ood_image:
       chown shibd:shibd /run/shibboleth
       pip3 install s3cmd
       s3cmd get --force -r --access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --host=$AWS_HOST --host-bucket=$AWS_HOST s3://knightly-key/ /etc/ssh/
-      mount | grep home || mount /home
     - >
       export NEW_INSTANCE_ID=$(openstack server create
@@ -295,11 +294,11 @@ test_ood_image:
       || FAILED=true
     - |
       if [ $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event' ]; then
-        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no acctsvc@$FLOATING_IP '[ $(mount | grep "type nfs" | wc -l) -eq 6 ]' || FAILED=true
+        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no acctsvc@$FLOATING_IP '[ $(mount | grep "etc/auto" | wc -l) -eq 6 ]' || FAILED=true
       elif [ $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'schedule' ]; then
         cp "$SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS" ~/.ssh/known_hosts
         chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
-        ssh acctsvc@$FLOATING_IP '[ $(mount | grep "type nfs" | wc -l) -eq 6 ]' || FAILED=true
+        ssh acctsvc@$FLOATING_IP '[ $(mount | grep "etc/auto" | wc -l) -eq 6 ]' || FAILED=true
     - |
       if [ "$FAILED" = true ]; then
diff --git a/ansible/group_vars/ood b/ansible/group_vars/ood
index 1c916b24173b03e33f0c2a1a8f2a60302a52b10a..c55b91529b1f50e66f6c7c71d742a7b0483890c9 100644
--- a/ansible/group_vars/ood
+++ b/ansible/group_vars/ood
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
     - cm.repo
+    - autofs
     - Lmod
     - tmux
     - vim
diff --git a/ansible/roles/nfs_mounts/tasks/main.yml b/ansible/roles/nfs_mounts/tasks/main.yml
index 0203f2ea812d4a3e183608963926c583bfac22a7..39ba56e6d4f2ab399f6c80ff157cf6a51b4e40ff 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/nfs_mounts/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/nfs_mounts/tasks/main.yml
@@ -11,20 +11,44 @@
     - { dir: /data/rc/apps, mode: '0755' } # this is only required for the symlink to be happy
     - { dir: /data/user, mode: '0755' }
     - { dir: /data/project, mode: '0755' }
-- name: Set up NFS GPFS mount point(s)
-  ansible.posix.mount:
-    path: "{{ item.path }}"
-    src: "{{ item.src }}"
-    fstype: "{{ item.fstype }}"
-    opts: "{{ item.opts }}"
-    state: present
+- name: Remove unused entry in master map
+  ansible.builtin.replace:
+    dest: /etc/auto.master
+    regexp: '{{ item.regexp }}'
+    replace: '{{ item.replace }}'
+    backup: true
+  loop:
+    - { regexp: '^(/misc)', replace: '#\1' }
+    - { regexp: '^(/net)', replace: '#\1' }
+    - { regexp: '^(\+auto.master)', replace: '#\1' }
+- name: Add master map file
+  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+    path: "/etc/auto.master.d/gpfs.autofs"
+    line: "{{ item.mount_point }} /etc/auto.{{ item.map_name }}"
+    create: yes
+  loop:
+    - { mount_point: "/cm/shared", map_name: "cm-share" }
+    - { mount_point: "/data/project", map_name: "data-project" }
+    - { mount_point: "/data/user", map_name: "data-user" }
+    - { mount_point: "/data/rc/apps", map_name: "data-rc-apps" }
+    - { mount_point: "/-", map_name: "scratch" }
+    - { mount_point: "/home", map_name: "home" }
+- name: Set up autofs map files
+  ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+    path: "/etc/auto.{{ item.map_name }}"
+    line: "{{ item.key }} -{{ item.opts }} {{ item.src }}"
+    create: true
-    - { path: /cm/shared, src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/data/cm/shared-8.2", fstype: nfs, opts: "vers=3,_netdev,defaults" }
-    - { path: /data/project, src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/data/project", fstype: nfs, opts: "vers=3,_netdev,defaults" }
-    - { path: /data/user, src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/data/user", fstype: nfs, opts: "vers=3,_netdev,local_lock=posix,defaults" }
-    - { path: /data/rc/apps, src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/data/rc/apps", fstype: nfs, opts: "vers=3,_netdev,defaults" }
-    - { path: /scratch, src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/scratch", fstype: nfs, opts: "vers=3,_netdev,local_lock=posix,defaults" }
-    - { path: /home, src: "/data/user/home", fstype: none, opts: bind }
+    - { map_name: "cm-share", key: "*", src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/data/cm/shared-8.2/&", opts: "fstype=nfs,vers=3,_netdev,defaults" }
+    - { map_name: "data-project", key: "*", src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/data/project/&", opts: "fstype=nfs,vers=3,_netdev,defaults" }
+    - { map_name: "data-user", key: "*", src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/data/user/&", opts: "fstype=nfs,vers=3,_netdev,local_lock=posix,defaults" }
+    - { map_name: "data-rc-apps", key: "*", src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/data/rc/apps/&", opts: "fstype=nfs,vers=3,_netdev,defaults" }
+    - { map_name: "scratch", key: "/scratch", src: "gpfs.rc.uab.edu:/scratch", opts: "fstype=nfs,vers=3,_netdev,local_lock=posix,defaults" }
+    - { map_name: "home", key: "*", src: ":/data/user/home/&", opts: 'fstype=bind' }
 - name: Create symbolic links
     src: "{{ item.src }}"
@@ -35,3 +59,8 @@
     state: link
     - { src: /data/rc/apps, dest: /share/apps }
+- name: Enable autofs service
+  ansible.builtin.service:
+    name: autofs
+    enabled: true