MATLAB install
On OHPC node:
This Batch Connect app requires the following software be installed on the compute nodes that the batch job is intended to run on (NOT the OnDemand node):
- MATLAB R2016b+
You could download by running the command below (Make sure to read for detailed explanation and to validate the UAB license)
ssh cat /data/user/krish94/matlab-install.tar.gz | tar -xzf -
- Xfce Desktop 4+
For VNC server support:
- TurboVNC 2.1+
- websockify 0.8.0+
For hardware rendering support:
Optional software:
Lmod 6.0.1+ or any other
module purge
andmodule load <modules>
based CLI used to load appropriate environments within the batch job
Use git to clone this app and checkout the desired branch/version you want to use:
scl enable git19 -- git clone
cd <dir>
scl enable git19 -- git checkout <tag/branch>
On OOD node:
- Modify to fit our environment
# diff of /var/www/ood/apps/sys/bc_osc_matlab/submit.yml.erb
-cluster: "owens"
+cluster: "ohpc"
# diff of /var/www/ood/apps/sys/submit.yml.erb
- template: "basic"
+ template: vnc