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  • Ravi Tripathi's avatar
    On client connecting, emit join_room, added function to send socketio message... · 3d89ed5e
    Ravi Tripathi authored and Mitchell Moore's avatar Mitchell Moore committed
    On client connecting, emit join_room, added function to send socketio message to client, matched socketio message_queueu to the flask. Added join_room function to recieve new connections
    - Added commented out sections to tasks for future use
    - Commenting out socketio emit before calling celery task
    - modify the message_queue in socketio app
    - Add a new function to send socketio messages to the client, and change the socketio message_queue to match the one from flask app
    - Remove username value added, as well as the parameter username passed in render_template
    - On connecting, send emit fuction to join_roon
    - Adding on_room fuction taht gets triggered when connection is made, and we need to join a room for the communcation to take place between client and server
    - Removing unused functions and commented out lines