- May 01, 2020
On client connecting, emit join_room, added function to send socketio message to client, matched socketio message_queueu to the flask. Added join_room function to recieve new connections - Added commented out sections to tasks for future use - Commenting out socketio emit before calling celery task - modify the message_queue in socketio app - Add a new function to send socketio messages to the client, and change the socketio message_queue to match the one from flask app - Remove username value added, as well as the parameter username passed in render_template - On connecting, send emit fuction to join_roon - Adding on_room fuction taht gets triggered when connection is made, and we need to join a room for the communcation to take place between client and server - Removing unused functions and commented out lines
Mitchell Moore authored
Implemented celery to communicate with rabbitmq. Capture username and blazerid to create accoutn and send vis tasks.py (celery) - Make unique test username for debugging - Trim requirements.txt - Begin celery implementation and call - Finish minor celery implementation - Fix variable mixup. Log Room ID to client console - Adding a process to start account creation process by calling flask_producer script - Sending a message to the client webapp to start layover before starting celery task - Adding another field to the form to capture username to create account with - Capturing the value of username(Blazerid) field - Remove unused base_consumer.py and test_producer.py scripts
Mitchell Moore authored
- Duplicate producer code for in app testing - Implement rabbitmq calls option/script call option - Clean whitespace - Create placeholder functions for acct. creation. Remove producer - Check for creation - Remove sleep in creation. Define goals for confirm function - Fix variable convention - Update requirements.txt - Include asyncronous delay. Remove old validate method. Add rough global username exchange - Fix tabs and remove validate create - Fix logo resizing issue - Create unique session id and log to consile
Mitchell Moore authored
Created a base_consumer script to test out procucer calls from flask run.py. Updated Readme and requiremnts - Add base consumer script - Update comment - Create multiple consumer files - add basic ood consumer - add basic ohpc consumer - add basic manager consumer/remove sys imports - complete base producer for ohpc/ood - Update readme - Fix readme format - Add supervisor to requirements - Add comments and display routing to manager - Link tutorial in README - Quick update with consumers - Allow robust command line args - Fix connection parameters for cluster - Update README.md
Mitchell Moore authored
Add rough Todo comments for RabbitMQ implementation Update requirements Add tutorial code with routing capability Remove unnecessary imports
Mitchell Moore authored
Mitchell Moore authored
Add detection of account creation, remove overlay and clear text when response recieved by Signup. Remove Jinja references and form in __init__.py - Fix error output - Remove page return - Remove Jinja references and form in __init__.py - Get basic form data passed - Clear text when response recieved - Create directory and pass username variable - Create refresh page function. Implement error handeling - Add detection of account creation - Remove overlay when creation succeeded
Mitchell Moore authored
Removed watchdog function, added fullname & reason for request account, fixes template issues and updated requirements.txt - Remove watchdog elements - Add reason field to form - Added mock sucess template and added to form - Fix typo - Make template functional - Fix templates - Delete request_recieved.html - Add fullname to file - Change success route name to request_sent - Update requirements/imports for socket.io - Edit script paths for local testing - Change dir and make default user - Introduce funtions (needs alteration) - Update all requirements
- Removed function from signup.html - Script fix - Basic function cleanup - Script src path fix
Mitchell Moore authored
Add watchdog to check for file changes in flatdb. Add username to the file being written in flatdb. Update requirements - Include watchdog integration to monitor dir changes - Update requirements and comment prints - File write and logic fix. Responds to file change - Properly initiate while loop, include debug info - Finalize change loop - Fix variable confusion in index route - Fix variables - Update documentation - Fix comment - Add username to file name
- Created temp_path for db - Code cleanup- fixed whitespaces - Fixed time_stamp format - Added-mkdir-function
Mitchell Moore authored
- Remove temp functionality/replace loading visibility logic - Remove 5 second pause - Added fileput with timestamp
Mitchell Moore authored
Added test scripts to check redir and test outputs. Added overlay on account request submiission. Basic CSS changes. - Added testing script to utilize 'testing' config. - (fix) fix src file reference - Semantic fix for route order - Semantic fix for variable name/position. - (fix) indexing fix for redir args and test output. - (fix) issue with icons not showing - (fix) variable reference of fullname to success page. - Clean up readme typos and make it more concise. - Feat check account existence - Added base.html to inherit form values from Signup.html - Clean up code to function properly - add 'validators' dependency - fix fullname reference in submit statement - Fix default title error - fix routing logic in index - remove dev comments - Fix falure logic routing and edit error message - Apply css formatting to jinja elements and fix form size issues - Reintroduce form label/instruction - Produce overlay window with text from jobcomposer tutorial - add temporary functionality to call window for testing - replace next and escape button with loading.gif - Edited text formating/content of notification window - Refactor gif to center
- Apr 24, 2020
- Changed UAB OnDemand header and removed static folder - Remove extra form fields - Fixed user name population issue. - Fixed redirect loop - (fix) Prevent app from routing back to index - Update readme - (fix) Registration script call - (fix) Jinja Version Update - (fix) incorrect redir argument - (fix) removed hardcoded return value - Combine index and SignUp routes - (fix) get redir args - (fix) localize css elements
- Update bootstrap_signup_page.html - Added directories for externall css implementation - Cleaned up html page to match out theme. - Edited form field and fixed name, UI format. - Html class fixes for user_reg page.
Modified basic flask app to populate username and password, pass it to ood and redirect to home page on password authentication - Pruning of unnecessary files, and alteration form - Update Readme and minor html tweaks - Added code to pass username and name variables to ood. - Added redirect to origin page after success - Populate user and catch None error if form is submitted blank - Updated return_url with placeholder value for stability. - Update __init__.py - Updated return_url with proper redirect value