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  • bug_test_network_error_fix
  • cicd-tf
  • feat-add-private-dns
  • feat-adopt-tf-v1.0.1
  • feat-create-compute-node
  • feat-deploy-xdmod-supremm
  • feat-integration-testing
  • feat-ohpc-image-build
  • feat-ohpc-ops-provision-clean
  • feat-ohpc-ops-provisioning
  • feat-open-xdmod-terraform
  • feat-prod-pipeline-update
  • feat-remove-manual-gating-prod
  • feat-remove-remote-exec-blocks
  • feat-remove-remote-exec-for-mount
  • feat-separate-ohpc-tasks
  • feat-test-keypair
  • feat-test-xdmod-queue-vol
  • feat-trim-tf-deploy
  • feat-update-TF-provider
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.03May2123Apr173128Mar8728Feb27262322Jan1211319Dec18161197521Nov201716873226Oct2022Sep13118728Aug272524232214111028Jul29Jun2726222120161514821Feb177Sep31Dec30111025Oct243225Sep16131030Aug29282721141276131Jul3029262423161512chnaged varible from vars file to localfeat-integratio…feat-integration-testingattach prod and prod queue volumesUpdate file main.tfUpdate file main.tfre-using code to attach volumesremoved s3 backend test codeIntegrate S3 backend with environment variable-based authenticationtest TF_VAR saved to vars.tftest TF_VAR variables for volumesreused variables for volume TF_VAR_xdmod_*changed variable names for volume id for prod_volume and prod_queue_volumefeat: Update volume attachment to use specific IDsadded conditions for prod volume and prod-queue-volumefix xdmod-prod-queue-vol-snapshot syntax to create snapshotfixed xdmod-prod-queue-vol var nameAppend xdmod queue data volume environment variable to vars.envfixed var nameCreate a new OpenStack volume from a snapshot with for TF_VAR_queue_data_volumeUpdate file .gitlab-ci.ymlcommented TF_VAR_xdmod_queue_data_volume createchanged TF_VAR_xdmod_queue_data_volume valuedelete deployment script code for detaching and attaching volumeschanged TF_VAR_data_volume valueUpdate file vars.tffeat make copy of xdmod-prod_queue_volume-snapshot-$BUILD_DATE with snapshotcreate vol for queue_data using xdmod-queue-volume-snap snapshotRefactor volume ID retrieval for production environmentSnapshot and reattach prod_queue_volume for production environmentfixed echo statements syntax for prod instance variablesfixed echo code syntaxprint prod variable values to gitlab ci interfaceuncommented mariabdb lines of code that were commented to debug an error; error was not caused due to mariadbComment out MariaDB stop commands for testingMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feat-test-xdmod-queue-vol' into feat-integration-testingkrish/feat-inte…krish/feat-integration-testingMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feat-remove-remote-exec-for-mount' into feat-integration-testingadded mount points for vdb1 and vdc1feat-remove-rem…feat-remove-remote-exec-for-mountdeleted unused code and added mount command for volumeMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feat-remove-remote-exec-for-mount' into feat-integration-testingAdded cloud-init configuration for instance initializationdeleted line with variable due to error in pipeline. Commenting the line did not work