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  • rc/bc_uab_jupyterlab
  • louistw/bc_uab_jupyterlab
  • rc-data-science/community-ood-sandbox/bc_uab_jupyterlab_singularity
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......@@ -4,6 +4,28 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## Unreleased
## [Unreleased]
### Changed
- Increased verbosity of output to make debugging easier.
- Does not launch template script as login shell anymore to speed up load time.
### Fixed
- Fix job not ending if forked processes still running.
### Removed
- Removed support for Anaconda Notebook extensions.
## [1.0.1] - 2018-01-03
### Changed
- Updated date in `LICENSE.txt`.
### Fixed
- Remove ERB from YAML comments to avoid possible crash.
## 1.0.0 - 2017-11-15
### Added
- Initial release!
Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Ohio Supercomputer Center
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Ohio Supercomputer Center
MIT License
# Batch Connect - Example Jupyter Notebook Server
# Batch Connect - JupyterLab
![GitHub Release](
![GitHub License](
An example Batch Connect app that launches a Jupyter Notebook server within a
An example Batch Connect app that launches a JupyterLab within a
batch job.
## Prerequisites
......@@ -12,21 +12,17 @@ This Batch Connect app requires the following software be installed on the
**compute nodes** that the batch job is intended to run on (**NOT** the
OnDemand node):
- [Jupyter Notebook]( 4.2.3+ (earlier
- [JupyterLab]( 3.2.1 (earlier
versions are untested but may work for you)
- [OpenSSL]( 1.0.1+ (used to hash the Jupyter Notebook
- [OpenSSL]( 1.0.1+ (used to hash the JupyterLab
server password)
**Optional** software:
- [Anaconda]( 4.3.13+ and its
[Jupyter Notebook extensions](
that allow users to define custom environment-based kernels from within the
Jupyter notebook dashboard.
- [Lmod](
6.0.1+ or any other `module restore` and `module load <modules>` based CLI
6.0.1+ or any other `module purge` and `module load <modules>` based CLI
used to load appropriate environments within the batch job before launching
the Jupyter Notebook server.
the JupyterLab.
## Install
......@@ -38,16 +34,16 @@ this.
# Download the zip from the GitHub page
# Create a catchy directory
mkdir my_jupyter_app
mkdir my_jupyterlab_app
# Unzip the downloaded file into this directory
tar xzvf master.tar.gz -C my_jupyter_app --strip-components=1
tar xzvf master.tar.gz -C my_jupyterlab_app --strip-components=1
# Change the working directory to this new directory
cd my_jupyter_app
cd my_jupyterlab_app
From here you will make any modifications to the code that you would like and
const table = {
"interactive": { "max_cpu": 48, "max_hour": 2, "max_gpu": 0 },
"express": { "max_cpu": 48, "max_hour": 2, "max_gpu": 0 },
"short": { "max_cpu": 48, "max_hour": 12, "max_gpu": 0 },
"pascalnodes": { "max_cpu": 28, "max_hour": 12, "max_gpu": 4 },
"pascalnodes-medium": { "max_cpu": 28, "max_hour": 48, "max_gpu": 4 },
"medium": { "max_cpu": 48, "max_hour": 50, "max_gpu": 0 },
"long": { "max_cpu": 48, "max_hour": 150, "max_gpu": 0 },
"intel-dcb": { "max_cpu": 24, "max_hour": 150, "max_gpu": 0 },
"amd-hdr100": { "max_cpu": 128, "max_hour": 150, "max_gpu": 0 },
"largemem": { "max_cpu": 24, "max_hour": 50, "max_gpu": 0 },
"largemem-long": { "max_cpu": 24, "max_hour": 150, "max_gpu": 0 },
"amperenodes": { "max_cpu": 128, "max_hour": 12, "max_gpu": 2 },
"amperenodes-medium": { "max_cpu": 128, "max_hour": 48, "max_gpu": 2 },
const gpu_part_regex = /pascal|ampere/;
function set_max_value(form_id, value) {
const form_element = $(form_id);
form_element.attr({'max': value});
if (form_element.val() > value)
function set_partition_change_handler() {
let partition_select = $("#batch_connect_session_context_bc_partition");
partition_select.change( function(e) {
function toggle_gpu_visibility(event) {
const partition =;
const cpu_selector = '#batch_connect_session_context_bc_num_slots';
const gpu_selector = '#batch_connect_session_context_bc_num_gpus';
const hour_selector = '#batch_connect_session_context_bc_num_hours';
toggle_visibilty_of_form_group(gpu_selector, gpu_part_regex.test(partition));
set_max_value(cpu_selector, table[partition]["max_cpu"]);
set_max_value(gpu_selector, table[partition]["max_gpu"]);
set_max_value(hour_selector, table[partition]["max_hour"]);
function toggle_visibilty_of_form_group(form_id, show) {
let form_element = $(form_id);
let parent = form_element;
while (
(! parent[0].classList.contains('form-group')) &&
(!'html')) // ensure that we don't loop infinitely
) {
parent = parent.parent();
// If parent is HTML then something has gone wrong and visibility should not be changed
if ('html') ) {
if(show) {;
} else {
// Fake the event
{ target: document.querySelector('#batch_connect_session_context_bc_partition') }
partitions = OodAppkit.clusters[:SLURM_CLUSTER].custom_config[:partitions]
# Batch Connect app configuration file
# @note Used to define the submitted cluster, title, description, and
......@@ -8,12 +11,15 @@
# under /etc/ood/config/clusters.d/*.yml
# @example Use the Owens cluster at Ohio Supercomputer Center
# cluster: "owens"
cluster: ""
cluster: "SLURM_CLUSTER"
# Title of the app displayed in the Dashboard
title: "JupyterLab"
# Description of the app displayed in the Dashboard (can use multi-line string
# and Markdown syntax)
description: |
This app will launch a Jupyter Notebook server on one or more nodes.
This app will launch a JupyterLab server on one or more cores.
# Define attribute values that aren't meant to be modified by the user within
# the Dashboard form
......@@ -30,9 +36,18 @@ attributes:
# modules: "python/3.5"
# @example Using combination of modules
# modules: "python/3.5 cuda/8.0.44"
modules: "python"
widget: text_area
label: Environment Setup
value: |
# The latest version of Anaconda3 with jupyter is loaded by default.
# If you would like to load other modules
# or use specific version of Anaconda please list below
# format:
# module load example_module/VERSION example_module2
# Whether Conda extensions will be available within the Jupyter notebook
# Whether Conda extensions will be available within the JupyterLab
# server
# @note Allows the user to use conda environment-based kernels from their
......@@ -44,9 +59,46 @@ attributes:
# @see
conda_extensions: "1"
# Any extra command line arguments to feed to the `jupyter notebook ...`
# command that launches the Jupyter notebook within the batch job
extra_jupyter_args: ""
# Any extra command line arguments to feed to the `jupyter-lab ...`
# command that launches the JupyterLab within the batch job
widget: text_field
label: Extra JupyterLab arguments
value: 1
widget: "number_field"
label: Number of CPU
value: 1
min: 1
max: 24
step: 1
widget: "number_field"
label: Memory per CPU (GB)
value: 4
min: 1
max: 128
step: 1
widget: "number_field"
label: Number of GPUs
value: 1
min: 0
max: 4
step: 1
widget: select
label: Partition
<%- partitions.each do |p| -%>
- [ "<%= p %>", "<%= p %>" ]
<%- end -%>
# All of the attributes that make up the Dashboard form (in respective order),
# and made available to the submit configuration file and the template ERB
......@@ -58,11 +110,12 @@ attributes:
# option, then it will not appear in the form page that the user sees in the
# Dashboard
- modules
- custom_environment
- conda_extensions
- extra_jupyter_args
- bc_num_hours
- bc_partition
- bc_num_gpus
- bc_num_slots
- bc_account
- bc_queue
- bc_num_mems
- bc_email_on_started

12.5 KiB | W: 0px | H: 0px


34.8 KiB | W: 0px | H: 0px

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
name: Jupyter Notebook
name: JupyterLab
category: Interactive Apps
subcategory: Servers
role: batch_connect
description: |
This app will launch a JupyterLab server on one or more nodes.
# Job submission configuration file
email = ENV['USER']
if !email.include? '@'
email = email + ''
# This config comes from below URL
# The -C option in the config provided for slurm has been removed because it does
# not apply to implementation at UAB. We do not use constraint list to be used with -C.
# Configure the content of the job script for the batch job here
# @see
# We use the basic web server template for generating the job script
# @note Do not change this unless you know what you are doing!
template: "basic"
# You can override the command used to query the hostname of the compute node
# here
# @note It is **highly** recommended this be set in the global cluster
# configuration file so that all apps can take advantage of it by default
#set_host: "host=$(hostname -A | awk '{print $2}')"
# Configure the job script submission parameters for the batch job here
# @see
# Example for Slurm
# @example Specify nodes with specific features for all jobs
# native: [ "-N", "<%= bc_num_slots.blank? ? 1 : bc_num_slots.to_i %>", "-C", "c12" ]
# Examples for PBS/Torque
# @example Specify the PPN for all jobs
# native:
# resources:
# nodes: "<%= bc_num_slots.blank? ? 1 : bc_num_slots.to_i %>:ppn=28"
USER: "<%= ENV['USER'] %>"
- "-N 1"
- "-n <%= bc_num_slots.blank? ? 1 : bc_num_slots.to_i %>"
- "--mem-per-cpu=<%= bc_num_mems.blank? ? 4 : bc_num_mems.to_i %>G"
- "--partition=<%= bc_partition %>"
- "--time=<%= bc_num_hours.blank? ? 1 : bc_num_hours.to_i %>:00:00"
- "--job-name=ood-jupyterlab"
<%- if bc_partition.include? "pascalnodes" or bc_partition.include? "amperenodes" -%>
- "--gres=gpu:<%= bc_num_gpus.blank? ? 1 : bc_num_gpus.to_i %>"
<%- end -%>
<%- if bc_email_on_started == "1" -%>
- "--mail-type=BEGIN"
- "--mail-user=<%= email %>"
<%- end -%>
# Wait for the Jupyterlab server to start
echo "Waiting for Jupyterlab server to open port ${port}..."
echo "TIMING - Starting wait at: $(date)"
if wait_until_port_used "${host}:${port}" 600; then
echo "Discovered Jupyterlab server listening on port ${port}!"
echo "TIMING - Wait ended at: $(date)"
echo "Timed out waiting for Jupyterlab server to open port ${port}!"
echo "TIMING - Wait ended at: $(date)"
pkill -P ${SCRIPT_PID}
clean_up 1
sleep 2
......@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
# - $password
# The plain text password used to authenticate to the web server with
# Export the module function if it exists
[[ $(type -t module) == "function" ]] && export -f module
# Find available port to run server on
......@@ -51,13 +54,5 @@ c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
c.NotebookApp.allow_origin = '*'
c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = '${HOME}'
c.NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf = True
<%- if context.conda_extensions == "1" -%>
c.NotebookApp.kernel_spec_manager_class = "nb_conda_kernels.CondaKernelSpecManager"
c.NotebookApp.nbserver_extensions = {
"nb_conda": True,
"nb_anacondacloud": True,
"nbpresent": True
<%- end -%>
......@@ -2,18 +2,12 @@
# Set working directory to home directory
cd "${HOME}"
module reset
# Start Jupyter Notebook Server
# Start JupyterLab Server
<%- unless context.modules.blank? -%>
# Restore the module environment to avoid conflicts
module restore
# Load the require modules
module load <%= context.modules %>
<%- end -%>
# Launch the Jupyter Notebook Server
jupyter notebook --config="${CONFIG_FILE}" <%= context.extra_jupyter_args %>
module load Anaconda3
<%= context.custom_environment.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n") %>
# Launch the JupyterLab Server
jupyter-lab --config="${CONFIG_FILE}" <%= context.extra_jupyter_args %>
If you see <code>Failed to connect to ...</code>, then wait a few seconds
before trying the <strong>Connect to Jupyter</strong> button again. This
warning appeared because the Jupyter Notebook is still starting up.
<form action="/node/<%= host %>/<%= port %>/login" method="post" target="_blank">
<input type="hidden" name="password" value="<%= password %>">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">
<i class="fa fa-eye"></i> Connect to Jupyter
<i class="fas fa-eye"></i> Connect to JupyterLab