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Unverified Commit fe63b825 authored by Ravi Tripathi's avatar Ravi Tripathi Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #137 from eesaanatluri/refactor-ssh-access-agent

Refactor ssh access agent
parents 3fda80bd 28c18109
No related branches found
Tags v1.1.0
1 merge request!147Merge previous default branch feat-cod-rmq into main
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ def manage_acct(ch, method, properties, body):
if service == 'all':
current["new_jobs"] = None
current["expire_account"] = None
current["ssh_access"] = None
# send a broadcast message to all agents
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import json
import pika
import shlex
import rc_util
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
from pathlib import Path
from rc_rmq import RCRMQ
import rabbit_config as rcfg
task = "group_member"
args = rc_util.get_args()
logger = rc_util.get_logger(args)
# Instantiate rabbitmq object
rc_rmq = RCRMQ({"exchange": rcfg.Exchange, "exchange_type": "topic"})
def group_member(ch, method, properties, body):
msg = json.loads(body)
username = msg["username"]
action = msg["action"]
msg["task"] = task
state = msg["state"]
if 'remove' in msg["groups"]:
for each_group in msg["groups"]["remove"]:
logger.debug(f'Removing user {username} from group {each_group}')
if str(rcfg.bright_cm_version).split(".")[0] == "8":
grp_remove_user_cmd = f'/cm/local/apps/cmd/bin/cmsh -n -c "group; removefrom {each_group} groupmembers {username}; commit;"'
grp_remove_user_cmd = f'/cm/local/apps/cmd/bin/cmsh -n -c "group; removefrom {each_group} members {username}; commit;"''Running command: {grp_remove_user_cmd}')
proc = Popen(shlex.split(grp_remove_user_cmd), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out,err = proc.communicate()
logger.debug(f'Result: {err}')'User {username} is removed from {each_group} group')
if 'add' in msg["groups"]:
for each_group in msg["groups"]["add"]:
logger.debug(f'Adding user {username} to group {each_group}')
if str(rcfg.bright_cm_version).split(".")[0] == "8":
grp_add_user_cmd = f'/cm/local/apps/cmd/bin/cmsh -n -c "group; append {each_group} groupmembers {username}; commit;"'
grp_add_user_cmd = f'/cm/local/apps/cmd/bin/cmsh -n -c "group; append {each_group} members {username}; commit;"''Running command: {grp_add_user_cmd}')
proc = Popen(shlex.split(grp_add_user_cmd), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out,err = proc.communicate()
logger.debug(f'Result: {err}')'User {username} is added to {each_group} group')
msg["success"] = True
except Exception:
msg["success"] = False
msg["errmsg"] = "Exception raised, while adding user to group {groupname}, check the logs for stack trace"
logger.error("", exc_info=True)
corr_id = properties.correlation_id
reply_to = properties.reply_to
logger.debug(f'corr_id: {corr_id} \n reply_to: {reply_to}')
# send response to the callback queue
if reply_to:
props = pika.BasicProperties(correlation_id=corr_id)
logger.debug("Sending confirmation back to reply_to")
"routing_key": reply_to,
"props": props,
"msg": msg
print("Error: no reply_to")
logger.debug(f'User {username} confirmation sent from {task}')
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)"Start listening to queue: {task}")
rc_rmq.bind_queue(queue=task, routing_key='group_member.*', durable=True)
{"queue": task, "cb": group_member}
......@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
import os
import json
import pika
import uuid
import rc_util
from os import popen
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
from pathlib import Path
from rc_rmq import RCRMQ
import rabbit_config as rcfg
......@@ -19,44 +20,92 @@ rc_rmq = RCRMQ({"exchange": rcfg.Exchange, "exchange_type": "topic"})
def ssh_access(ch, method, properties, body):
msg = json.loads(body)
routing_key = method.routing_key
username = msg["username"]
action = msg["action"]
msg["task"] = task
corr_id = properties.correlation_id
reply_to = properties.reply_to
queuename = msg["queuename"]
state = msg["state"]
global corr_id
block_ssh_cmd = f'/cm/local/apps/cmd/bin/cmsh -n -c "group; use nossh; append members {username}; commit;"'
unblock_ssh_cmd = f'/cm/local/apps/cmd/bin/cmsh -n -c "group; use nossh; removefrom members {username}; commit;"'
if action == 'lock':
block_ssh = popen(block_ssh_cmd).read().rstrip()
elif action == 'unlock':
unblock_ssh = popen(unblock_ssh_cmd).read().rstrip()
msg["success"] = True"User {username} is added to nossh group")
# check if it's a response from group_member_agent
if routing_key == task:
logger.debug(f"corr_id sent by group_member agent: {properties.correlation_id}")
if corr_id == properties.correlation_id:
logger.debug(f'group_member agent confirmation msg["success"]: {msg["success"]}')
# forward confirmation response to acct_mgmt_workflow agent
"routing_key": f'acctmgr.done.{queuename}',
"msg": msg
logger.debug(f'User {username} confirmation sent for {action}ing {task}')
corr_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
logger.debug(f'corr_id generated: {corr_id}')
msg["groups"] = {}
proc = Popen(['/usr/bin/groups', username], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out,err = proc.communicate()
user_groups = out.decode().strip().split(":")[1].split()
state_groups = rcfg.state_groups
Filter the lock group a user is in and assign to spl
lambda function returns common elements between two lists. For all
the true values by returned lambda function for common elements
corresponding values are included as a list by filter function.
user_state_groups = list(filter(lambda x:x in list(rcfg.state_groups.values()),user_groups))
# Depending on state add user to the group corresponding to state.
# Remove user from user_state_groups they are already part of.
# eg: {"groups": { "add":[a,b,c], "remove":[d,e,f] }
if state == 'certification':
msg["groups"]["add"] = [state_groups[state]]
msg["groups"]["remove"] = user_state_groups
elif state == 'hold':
msg["groups"]["add"] = [state_groups[state]]
msg["groups"]["remove"] = user_state_groups
elif state == 'pre_certification':
msg["groups"]["add"] = [state_groups[state]]
msg["groups"]["remove"] = user_state_groups
elif state == 'ok':
msg["groups"]["remove"] = user_state_groups
# send a message to agent
logger.debug(f"sending msg to group agent: {msg}")
"routing_key": f'group_member.{queuename}',
"props": pika.BasicProperties(
correlation_id = corr_id,
reply_to = task,
"msg": msg
)"Request sent to add/remove user {username} to/from spl groups")
except Exception:
msg["success"] = False
msg["errmsg"] = "Exception raised, while blocking user's ssh access, check the logs for stack trace"
msg["errmsg"] = "Exception raised in ssh_access agent, check the logs for stack trace"
logger.error("", exc_info=True)
# send response to callback queue with it's correlation ID
"routing_key": f'acctmgr.done.{queuename}',
"msg": msg
logger.debug(f"User {username} confirmation sent for {action}ing {task}")
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)"Start listening to queue: {task}")
rc_rmq.bind_queue(queue=task, routing_key='lock.*', durable=True)
rc_rmq.bind_queue(queue=task, routing_key='unlock.*', durable=True)
rc_rmq.bind_queue(queue=task, routing_key='ssh.*', durable=True)
rc_rmq.bind_queue(queue=task, routing_key=task, durable=True)
{"queue": task, "cb": ssh_access}
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