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William E Warriner's avatar
opened issue #2 "Updates to mail text" at rc / Rc Mail Template
Ravi Tripathi's avatar
accepted merge request !5 "Fixing the notification to user being quarantined issue" at rc / Rc Mail Template
Ravi Tripathi's avatar
pushed to branch master at rc / Rc Mail Template
Ravi Tripathi's avatar
commented on merge request !5 "Fixing the notification to user being quarantined issue" at rc / Rc Mail Template

This issue needs to be merged together with the following PRs:...

Ravi Tripathi's avatar
opened merge request !5 "Fixing the notification to user being quarantined issue" at rc / Rc Mail Template
Mike Hanby's avatar
deleted branch mhanby-master-patch-24054 at rc / Rc Mail Template
Blake Joyce's avatar
pushed to branch master at rc / Rc Mail Template
Blake Joyce's avatar
accepted merge request !4 "Updated to better responsibility for backups" at rc / Rc Mail Template
Blake Joyce's avatar
commented on merge request !4 "Updated to better responsibility for backups" at rc / Rc Mail Template

Updates change Cheaha accounts to RC account to be inline with the myriad services RC now offers. Updates to new scratch partitions and rolling del...

Blake Joyce's avatar
approved merge request !4 "Updated to better responsibility for backups" at rc / Rc Mail Template
Mike Hanby's avatar
pushed to branch mhanby-master-patch-24054 at rc / Rc Mail Template
Mike Hanby's avatar
opened merge request !4 "Updated to better responsibility for backups" at rc / Rc Mail Template
Mike Hanby's avatar
pushed new branch mhanby-master-patch-24054 at rc / Rc Mail Template
Mike Hanby's avatar
pushed to branch master at rc / Rc Mail Template
Mike Hanby's avatar
accepted merge request !3 "Update Links and Information" at rc / Rc Mail Template
Mike Hanby's avatar
approved merge request !3 "Update Links and Information" at rc / Rc Mail Template
Matthew K Defenderfer's avatar
commented on merge request !3 "Update Links and Information" at rc / Rc Mail Template

I thought we were starting a policy where one user couldn't use over 10% of scratch space at a time. Did we decide not to do that and just let some...

Ravi Tripathi's avatar
commented on merge request !3 "Update Links and Information" at rc / Rc Mail Template

It would be 1000 TB @mdefende . I think just saying 1 PB should be enough though.

Matthew K Defenderfer's avatar
opened merge request !3 "Update Links and Information" at rc / Rc Mail Template