welcome_message="Welcome to UAB's Reseach Computing cluster. The information below will be used to create your account. Please fill in all the details as this helps us understand our user base. Contact <a href='mailto:support@listserv.uab.edu'>Research Computing</a> for any assistance in creating your account."
cancel_message="Close browser to end session. Contact <a href="'mailto:support@listserv.uab.edu'">Research Computing</a> for any assistance in creating your account."
error_message="Error while creating your account. We've been notified about this. Contact <a href="'mailto:support@listserv.uab.edu'">Research Computing</a> for any assistance in creating your account."
error_message="Error while creating your account. We have been notified about this. Contact <a href="'mailto:support@listserv.uab.edu'">Research Computing</a> for any assistance in creating your account."