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  • bug_test_network_error_fix
  • cicd-tf
  • feat-add-private-dns
  • feat-adopt-tf-v1.0.1
  • feat-create-compute-node
  • feat-deploy-xdmod-supremm
  • feat-ohpc-image-build
  • feat-ohpc-ops-provision-clean
  • feat-ohpc-ops-provisioning
  • feat-open-xdmod-terraform
  • feat-remove-manual-gating-prod
  • feat-separate-ohpc-tasks
  • feat-test-keypair
  • feat-test-xdmod-queue-vol
  • feat-trim-tf-deploy
  • feat-update-TF-provider
  • feat-volume-id
  • feat-xdmod-queue-data-vol
  • feat-xdmod-queue-vol
  • feat-xdmod-queue-volume
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.019Dec1816151197521Nov201716873226Oct2022Sep13118728Aug272524232214111028Jul29Jun2726222120161514821Feb177Sep31Dec30111025Oct243225Sep16131030Aug29282721141276131Jul3029262423161512111092Merge branch 'feat-reorder-commands' into 'master'mastermasterShow server state to create a delay.reorder the commands so instance starts with a vol attachedMerge branch 'refactor-vol-snapshot-process' into 'master'Shutoff instance before vol snapshot instead of turning off services by sshing inMerge branch 'feat-prod-pipeline-update' into 'master'Pass the variable via tf-apply because we are inheriting it's artifacts but not prep-deploypass var prod_instance_id from prep-deploy to production-deployMove the code to copy volume from instance to prep-deploy job.Reattach the prod volume to prod instance for rollbackRearrange the commands in the production-deploy job to a more appropriate order.Keep the previous prod instance running to facilitate rollbackRemove references to staging in production-deploy jobrun prod-deploy only when `TARGET_ENV` is production and remove manual gatingUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymltest-var-refere…test-var-referenceecho variable to .env further aboveecho another stmtfix errror re blank prod inst FIPAdd echo cmd pass var prod_floating_ip from prep-deploy to production-deployMerge branch 'Feat-remove-unused-code' into 'master'Remove code that destroys TF resources after failurepass var prod_instance_id from prep-deploy to production-deployMove the code to copy volume from instance to prep-deploy job.Reattach the prod volume to prod instance for rollbackRearrange the commands in the production-deploy job to a more appropriate order.Keep the previous prod instance running to facilitate rollbackRemove references to staging in production-deploy jobrun prod-deploy only when `TARGET_ENV` is production and remove manual gatingMerge branch 'fix-regex-pick-latest-img' into 'master'fix regex to capture image to be deletedfix-regex-image…fix-regex-image-deletionMerge branch 'fix-duplicate-vol-snapshot-name-error' into 'master'Workaround the issue of having duplicate names for snapshot failing the TF deploy pipelinesRemove manual gating for parallel prod roll outfeat-remove-man…feat-remove-manual-gating-prodfixed extra whitespace in prod deploy script which caused error in ssh to unmount volumefeat-test-xdmod…feat-test-xdmod-queue-volcreate directory for mount Update mount points in provisioning scriptRefactor provisioner to mount two volumesfix code error with array count in cariable which does not expect instance keytest-attaching volumes manually instead of for loop